3 video ideas to promote your incentives

Loyalty programs and incentives can only be effective if you have buy-in. If you want your audience to get excited about your program, here are some marketing tips on how to get them on board using the power of video.

1.  Trailers

Trailers are a great type of short video content. You can use these to explain all the details of your incentive in a captivating and memorable way. Instead of trying to read through confusing terms and conditions, your target audience can get excited about taking action!

While trailers perform well on social, they are also a great addition to landing pages as videos have been found to increase conversions by 80% or more.

Length: 30 seconds to 2 minutes
Where to Use It: paid and organic social media, landing pages
Example: Comstor Million Dollar Draw

2.  Explainers

Okay, so now they’re hooked! They’ve taken the first step to join the program or register for more information. Now it’s time to explain the real nuts and bolts. This is especially important for longer term incentive programs, or when there are added levels of complexity that can change over time.

Explainer videos are a great and easily way to convey complex ideas, create a bond with your audience and maximise top-of-mind recall. The best explainer videos focus on appealing to an audience’s curiosity by answering common questions about what is involved. Explainer videos can be used to promote the incentive or even to add an extra helpful element to your incentive website and enhance the user experience.

Length: 30 seconds to 3 minutes
Where to Use It: paid and organic social media, incentive website, blog posts
Example: Ingram Micro Surface Smart

3.  Website Banner

A third way to use video is to create a teaser for your main prize that can be used as a website banner. This keeps the main prize always in mind for your audience in a captivating way.

These videos should be short, sweet, and provide just a glimpse of what’s to come. They will need to be silent in order to work as a website banner. At no longer than 10-30 seconds, they should be delivered using subtle but alluring imagery that sells the value of the prize on offer.

These sorts of teasers can also be a great fit for generating excitement on social media. But you may want to add a music track before sharing.

Length: 10 to 30 seconds
Where to Use It: Paid and Organic Social Media
Example: Comstor High Flyers – Vietnam travel promotion

Why Is Video Marketing Important?

Video is quickly becoming the de facto content format online.

Let’s look at some key video marketing statistics:

82% of internet traffic will be video by 2022 (Cisco).

The world’s largest video platform, YouTube, is the 2nd most popular website on the planet (Statista).

If you would like to create an engaging, informative, and inspiring animated video to promote your incentive, speak to our team. We’ll work together to create a video that will impress and inspire your target audience to take action.